Friday, July 19, 2013

My first post!

My College Experience: Recapping

So this is my first blog post--ever.  I'm not even sure what people write on here, but I thought I'd give it a try.  I apologize for the lack of interest that may come of this, but I believe my life is just as exciting as the next persons. 

My name is Hannah, and I'm a sophomore in college. I attend College of the Ozarks--Hard Work U!  It's a good place to go to school, and I appreciate the opportunity I have been given.  They say it is quite hard to be accepted, as we have a 1-13 ratio of getting accepted.  I'm studying nursing right now.  I honestly don't know if I will stick it out, but at the moment I feel stuck in it.  It's not that I don't feel called to the career, it's just that I personally don't know if I want to do that for the rest of my life.  Do I? That's something I need to figure out. 

School is going decent so far.  Alot has changed since I've been here.  I've changed roommates more times than the average person.  I do miss some of my roommates, not all.  My first roommate, Lizzy, will always hold a special place in my heart.  We were eachother's first friend.  We grew alot out first semester, but sadly, we don't talk really anymore.  My next roommate was Emily, and we did not get along.  We clashed on many things, like her lack of cleanliness and our work schedules.  Luckily for the both of us, we moved past it, because we are both in the nursing program.  After Emily, my roommate was Callie.  I actually enjoyed being her roommate.  We were totally different but it worked.  We didn't have forced conversations and I really did enjoy her respect for my things.  I decided to change again, though, and later regreted it. My next roommate was Makena.  Before we were roommates, we were friends.  My mom told me to never room with friends, and after that experience, I agree.  Makena and I got along for the most part.  But we had our fair share of awkward moments when we weren't getting along.  If I could go back and stay roommates with Callie, I probably would have.  It's not that I dislike her; I love Makena.  But I do think our friendship could be even better than it is now if I hadn't roomed with her.  After Makena, I roomed with Cortney.  She is my current roommate.  Because it is summer and we have totally different work schedules, I rarely see her.  Plus, she is always with her boyfriend Charleton.  But I love her and we seem to be getting along just fine. 

So now that I've covered who I've roomed with, and who I'm currently rooming with,  I would like to share 3 things I've learned from my freshman and half of sophomore year.
1) Study. 
     --I cannot stress this enough.  In high school, this wasn't something I needed to do, so going into college, I guess I went in with the same mindset.  Unfortunately, my grades suffered due to my lack of studying.  My grades weren't terrible, don't get my wrong, but I know they could have been better.  I got my first ever C in a class, and honestly it wasn't even a C; it was a 67.5 but for some reason it was a C in this class.
2) Get connected with a good group of people.
     --This could be the most important lesson I've learned.  I've learned that if you get connected with a good, loyal group of people, you will never be without.  The friends you make that are actually your friends will do anything for you.  This is so important in college.  Not to mention the overused phrase, but it is true: The friends you make in college will be the friends you have the rest of your life. 
3) Don't lose your faith.
     --My faith has grown so much since I've been in college.  The good group of people I've met have had so much to do with it.  I cannot thank God enough for blessing me with these great friends that have helped me dig deeper in my faith.  So many college students lose their faith to gain the wrong group of friends, but I encourage everyone to find the friends that know right from wrong and are grounded in their faith so they can help build up yours.

Well that's all for now; more to come!

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