Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Changes, Changes, Changes

So many changes have taken place in my life. A new semester brings new classes, a new group of people I am around, and even a new boy in my life. I have never been one to like change. I don't like having to reorganize my life or aclimate myself to something out of what I am used to. But nevertheless, here I am. Changing.
I guess I should start with a recap of last semester. I can say that last semester ended on such a high note, that the only place to go was down. All semester I struggled with my Medical Microbiology class. I had to get a measly 'c' to pass. Grades have never been a struggle for me. I am the one who sleeps in class and still passes the test with flying colors. But not with this class. I barely passed. I am actualy in awe at the fact. God used this experience to show me trust. I need to trust Him more, for He goes before me. Let's just say I spent alot of time in prayer and alot more time crying. In the end, though, I passed. My God came through--He always comes through.
Moving on, Christmas break was great. It was so relaxing not having to stress about assignments and homework, even if it was just for a few weeks. All the while, I was growing my friendship with my now boyfriend, Andrew. Unbeknownst to me, a good friend disagreed with the relationship. Her reasonings were honest and pure, but I do not agree with them. It doesn't matter the way she words her sentences or how well she paints the picture. She is not in the relationship. She does not know how it came to pass.
I feel like this goes without saying, but we aren't as close anymore. She no longer talks to me about things we used to talk about. We do not hang out. For me, someone who thrives on deep, meaningful relationships, I am crushed. I firmly believe I am in some sort of depression or rut because of it. I miss our conversations and the way we built each other up spiritually. But there is nothing I can do. It doesnt matter the way I word my sentences or how well I paint the picture. Things are just different. It hurts me, but I do not know what to do. I am just praying for revelation and some light shed on the circumstance--a light only my God can shed.
Now, the present. I am in my junior year of college. Woah how the time flies. I feel like I just got here. I am a sophomore in the nursing program here at College of the Ozarks. It's getting harder and harder each class, but I am trusting in God's plan. I sometimes feel like I just want to be a stay-at-home-mother, but I am unsure of the realistics. Can my future husband support us? I am not sure. I will just continue on in my nursing degree until I have clear answers.

Anyways, I currently have a pounding headache, so that must be my cue.

God Bless you all.

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