Saturday, March 15, 2014


Change. For me, this is such a dreaded thing. I hate changing. I hate when things are out of my control. But nevertheless, things continue to change. Most of the time, it is for the better. I humbly admit that I need to change. I need to become more like Christ daily. It is hard, though, and take a long time. 
As I have started on this journey of change, I have learned so many things along the way. I have been reading the book "Hinds Feet on High Places," and just finished it yesterday. It honestly taught me more lessons than anything else. It taught me to accept everything with joy, to bear with love everything that comes my way, and to call upon the Lord when I feel oppressed.  I think the book can be summarized in this one quote.
"So remember this; as long as you are willing to be Acceptance-with-Joy and Bearing-in-Love, you can never again become crippled, and you will be able to go wherever I lead you. You will be able to go down into the Valley of the world to work with me there, for that is where the evil and sorrowful and ugly things are which need to be overcome. Accept and bear and obey the Law of Love, and nothing will be able to cripple your hinds' feet or separate you from me.        -The Shepherd
I have also learned, through this book and friends, to love those who persecute you. Another quote from the book is: 
"It is happy to love even if you are not loved in return. There is pain too, certainly, but Love does not think that very significant."
It made me think of the verse in Matthew that says, "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?" (5:46, 47). I have been feeling upset about being left out or not included and not being a nice person about it either. But a friend told me something that I pray will continue to ring through my heart. She said, "Even if everyone is rude to you, if they hurt you intentionally or unintentionally, be kind to them. Show them Christ's love. It says in Proverbs that "If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you" (25:21, 22). At first, I did not understand what "heap burning coals" meant, but as I read more about it, I learned its meaning. To "heap burning coals on your neighbor's head" was meant to bring shame and forgiveness. It is commonly put, "to kill them with kindness." Nevertheless, I have been trying my hardest to be kind with everyone.

Another hard lesson in which I am learning is to be content in all circumstances. It is hard, especially when things do not seem fair and life does not seem to go my way. It us such a hard concept to grasp, and it took me many weeks to fully understand. I think what Paul was talking about was, when we are filled by God and His Love and delight in Him and find our fullness and joy through Him, nothing else shall matter. I was putting my joy, my happiness, my peace, in the relationships I have with others. This will always lead me down the path of destruction; people will always fail me. But, being content with every circumstances says this: I choose to be joyful despite my current situations. 

I am so thankful for these lessons I have learned. So thankful that God has not given up on me. His arm is never out of reach (Isaiah 59:1). I pray that God continues to change me, no matter how hard the journey may be. I pray He takes me to the High Places with him, and that I remain fully in Him when times are hard.


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