Thursday, July 3, 2014

And the Serpent Said to the Woman

You Shall Not Surely Die

-Genesis 3:4

And so it began. Ever since the very beginning of time, Satan has been lying to us. Did you catch that? Genesis 3. And today, some 3,500 years ago, we are still being fooled and deceived by the evil serpent. I know that in my own life, I am constantly being fooled by the author of deceit. He tells me lie after lie after lie.

I don't know if I have mentioned it to many people, but a lot of changes have taken place recently. A new major. A new relationship status. A new dorm. The list goes on. And I can honestly say that Satan has used every one of those opportunities to plant seeds of doubt in my heart. What is worse? I let him. 

I am in constant fear that I will not have a successful future due to my major change. I am confused still as to why my dream was taken away from me, but that is beside the point. Satan has used the circumstance to lie to me. What is worse is that I believe it. I fall into the same trap over and over again. I know that God has a plan for me and that His ways are better than my own. I know that His plans are not to harm me, but I still fall into a rut and have to fight to get out.

Another lie that Satan whispers in my ear is that I am never going to get married. A lot of this has to do with the recent breakup, I'm sure. But nonetheless, it is still a constant worry. How could anyone spend the rest of their life with me? I annoy myself sometimes, how could I not annoy someone else? I catch myself running through a list of all my bad qualities. I convince myself that I will never find a husband. I criticize every part of my being, from my personality to my outward appearance. It is a downward spiral, and Satan has such a tight grip on that part of my life.

This is such a terribly trap to fall into. When we give Satan just an inch of our life, he will take a mile and run with it. He is never satisfied and the deceit he plants begins to seep into other parts of your life. Before you know it, he controls you.

That is why it is so important to flee from Satan. When he starts to speak lies into your ear, do not listen. I know this is easier said than done, but it needs to happen. When we start to believe the lies of the devil, we stop listening to the truth of the Lord. We stop hearing the soft, gentle words of our Creator.

I have to tell myself that the ways of the Lord are perfect and He has promised great things to His children (Jeremiah 29:11-13). I have to resist the devil so he will flee from me (James 4:7). I have to resist the traps the devil has set for me. I have to be intentional about my thoughts and put aside anything that does not line up with the character of God. I have to be intentional about what I allow to stay as a thought in my head. It is hard, truly, but I know that as the days go on, if I am in the word and praying that God protect my heart from Satan, it will get better.

Be blessed.

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