Friday, July 4, 2014

I Lift My Eyes Up

My Help Comes from the Lord.


We all struggle with them, but no one really talks about them. Even looking at the word gives me a bad taste in my mouth. But, when I am honest with myself, I have addictions just like anyone else. Some addictions may seem alot worse than others, but nonetheless, they are addictions. For some, the addiciton of gossiping may be a downfall. For others, a more extreme circumstance may be taking place.

What addictions do you have? Do you realize that God cannot work through the problem unless you fully give it to him?

When I was struggling with a specific addiction, I remember confiding in a manager. Her words still have such an impact on my, and often I apply them to other situations. She said, "You have to give it to the Lord." I remember telling her that I had given it to Him, yet still I struggle. What she said next is so important. "You haven't fully given it to him. Imagine me saying, 'Hannah, take this key and go downstairs and get my phone.' You reach for the key, yet I am so tightly gripped on it that you cannot get it from my hands. That is what you are doing to God. You say, 'Lord, Lord, take this from me.' Yet, when he tries to take it, you have your hand so heavily wrapped around it, that it is impossible for Him to take it from you. Give it to Him. He can handle way more than you can."

Isn't that so true? We so often beg God to take it from us. I remember pleading that God would no longer allow me to struggle with a certain addiction. I could not understand why I still struggled with it when I had asked the Lord to take it from me. Now I realize that I still let Satan have a foothold by not giving it fully to God and allowing Him to work everything out in His timing and for His glory. He promises to never give us more than we can bear.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. -1 Corinthians 10:13
 When we truly 'let go and let God,' the results are breathtaking. In my own life, the beauty that God has allowed to come out of the situation is beautiful. Knowing that the Lord has brought you out of your valley is a testimony in itself.

Be blessed.

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